String-of-10 FOUR Winners Announced

From Flash Fiction Chronicles:

CONGRATULATIONS go out to Troy Farah whose story, “When Elliot Let Go,” has been selected by Guest Judge Robert Swartwood as the FIRST PLACE WINNER of the String-of-10 Four Flash Fiction Contest. 

“When Elliot Let Go” will be published in April at Every Day Fiction.  ”Dutch Boy” by Len Kuntz and “Nothing Left to Lose” by Andrew Stancek have placed Second and Third respectively and will be published in April at Flash Fiction Chronicles.  Exact publications dates to be arranged.

You’ll find a complete list of Winners and Semi-Finalists (in alphabetical order) plus an interview with Robert Swartwood below.

 Top Three Winners:

First Place: When Elliot Let Go by Troy Farah Second Place: Dutch Boy by Len Kuntz Third Place: Nothing Left to Lose by Andrew Stancek

Honorable Mention:

Pompeii is for Lovers by Folly Blaine Victims by Toni Somers Occupy Upstate by Ralph Uttaro Red Triangle Secrets by Sidney Bending


A Bitter Wage by Jane Banning Bearing Witness by Linda Wastila Cure-all by Oonah V Joslin Everything by Rachel Thompson Gardening by Vanessa Gebbie Immutability by Sue Ann Connaughton In Dreams by J. Chris Lawrence Last Respects by Jillian Schmidt Marbles by Eliza Tomprou Modern Women by Sally York The Cost by JPReese

The Winner of the Patricia McFarland Memorial Prize

Most effective use of all ten prompt words and incorporation of the theme of freedom.

The Cost by JP Reese

Congratulations to all who entered the String-of-10 FOUR Flash Fiction Contest. 

As mentioned, you can find my interview at the bottom of this page.