At the Meade Bed & Breakfast

Horror World On At The Meade Bed & Breakfast

The kind folks at Horror World gave At the Meade Bed & Breakfast some love yesterday:

At the Meade Bed And Breakfast is a quick read and an enjoyable ghost story that is sure to entertain all types of horror readers. The bonus content in the e-book is an unexpected delight.

You can read the rest of the review here.

In other news, my allergies are really bad today. Like, really bad. How are you?

Visit The Meade Bed & Breakfast For Free

Thanks to Elderlemon Design, At the Meade Bed & Breakfast has a great new look, and to celebrate, I'm making it free for the next week on Kindle (UK readers click here). So please download the ebook -- which contains "At the Meade Bed & Breakfast" by me and Dave, as well as two bonus stories, one by Dave, one by me, and an author conversation -- and help spread the word. It's FREE!

At the Meade Bed & Breakfast

Ashley and Kyle come to the Meade Bed & Breakfast searching for a ghost -- Charles Buford, the Civil War's most notorious mass murderer.

What they find is even more terrifying.

At the Meade Bed & Breakfast is a 10,000-word ghost story by Robert Swartwood and David B. Silva. This ebook includes an excerpt from Walk the Sky, a forthcoming weird western by Swartwood and Silva, as well as "Goodbye" by Robert Swartwood and "The Night in Fog" by David B. Silva. Also included is a special conversation between the authors.

You can purchase the ebook from the following places:


Some really exciting prizes are lined up:

  • One "The Night in Fog" chapbook, published by Subterranean Press (#219 of 250-signed and numbered copies)
  • One "Final Touches" chapbook, published by Gauntlet Press (#161 of 200-signed and numbered copies, only given to those who purchased Through Shattered Glass directly through Gauntlet Press)
  • One A Little White Book of Lies, published by Borderlands Press (#23 of 500-signed and numbered copies)
  • One original signed manuscript of "At the Meade Bed & Breakfast" (the draft written by Robert Swartwood before he and David Silva collaborated on the final version)
  • One original signed manuscript of The Silver Ring (the original draft written when Robert Swartwood was in high school; includes an extra 5,000 words)

How do you enter the giveaway contest? By simply purchasing a copy of At the Meade Bed & Breakfast and forwarding your e-receipt to robert (at) robertswartwood (dot) com. That will add your name to a virtual hat. To increase your odds, leave a review at Amazon or Barnes & Noble or Goodreads. For every review, your name will be added again. Finally, help spread the word. Post a link on Twitter or Facebook or wherever and let us know in the comment section to add your name yet again. Every participant's name will be given a corresponding number. At the end of the contest, will help in picking a winner of each prize. Contest ends on November 15, with the winners being announced on November 16.